Hi here!

I'm a Software Engineer and I have a lot of interest in the following topics : Web/Mobile, Machine Learning and Computer Vision

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Technical Skills


Computer Vision & CNN

Advanced Lanes Detection

Vehicles Speed Estimat°

Road Traffic Monitoring

Bottle Filling Aut°

Bgd Subst Object Det°

Airplane Monitoring

Faces Anonymizat°

Human Mot° Tracking

Fists Det° Boxing

Obj Det° Gender Classif°

Obj Det° Neural Train Viz

Crowd Det° Depth Estimat°

Flutter animations & UI

Gradient based Onboarding UI

Gradient based Onboarding UI

Flutter funs
Bottomsheet based Onboarding UI

Bottomsheet based Onboarding UI

Flutter funs
Cinema based Onboarding UI

Cinema based Onboarding UI

Flutter funs
Whatsapp Onboarding UI

Whatsapp Onboarding UI

Flutter funs
Particles based Splash UI

Particles based Splash UI

Flutter funs
Signin UI

Signin UI

Flutter funs
CountDown card timer

CountDown card timer

Flutter funs
Dino game

Dino game

Flutter funs
Dragon ball fight animation

Dragon ball fight animation

Flutter funs
Elevator simulation

Elevator simulation

Flutter funs
Function curve tracer

Function curve tracer

Flutter funs
Snake game

Snake game

Flutter funs
Himalayas job app UI

Himalayas job app UI

Flutter funs
Maze game

Maze game

Flutter funs
Memory match game

Memory match game

Flutter funs
Signin-Signup UI

Signin-Signup UI

Flutter funs
Blur effect

Blur effect

Flutter funs


Flutter funs
Wallpaper generator

Wallpaper generator

Flutter funs
Whack mole game

Whack mole game

Flutter funs
Text masking animation

Text masking animation

Flutter funs
Sharigan to mangekyou animation

Sharigan to mangekyou animation

Flutter funs
Text typewriter animation

Text typewriter animation

Flutter funs
Sharigan eye animation

Sharigan eye animation

Flutter funs
Automate drawing app

Automate drawing app

Flutter funs
Glass filling up

Glass filling up

Flutter funs


Flutter funs
Gallery images

Gallery images

Flutter funs
Scanning animation

Scanning animation

Flutter funs
Food store UI

Food store UI

Flutter funs
Countdown timer with dynamic color changes

Countdown timer with dynamic color changes

Flutter funs
Gallery carousel

Gallery carousel

Flutter funs
A flip book animation transitioning between images.

A flip book animation transitioning between images

Flutter funs
Interactive plate menu

Interactive plate menu

Flutter funs
Zoom on image

Zoom on image

Flutter funs
Pan across a panoramic image

Pan across a panoramic image

Flutter funs
Parallax autoScrolling

Parallax autoScrolling

Flutter funs
World countries

World countries

Flutter funs
Music playing animated gradient background

Music playing animated gradient background

Flutter funs